Monday, May 11, 2015

Day 2 - The Best Laid Plans

I had a plan. A good plan. I prepared for the plan. And then I went to work and those plans disappeared. The only thing I followed on my plan was I had a morning snack of yogurt and fruit and I wrote down EVERYTHING I ate. That is huge for me because in the past, if I've gone off plan, I stop tracking what I'm eating. But not today.

Today I had a plan. I had issues at work that kept me from following the plan. I still tracked everything. AND I learned that I need to plan for the unexpected. My job tends to be somewhat stressful. To be honest, I've gained about 25 pounds in the 3 years that I've worked there. Which might not sound like a lot but it really is.

So I need to put a plan into place for my work stress. I'm not sure how to do that yet but I suppose that's what this journey is all about. If I learn my triggers and prepare for them, then this new lifestyle that I"m learning will be successful.

At least I hope so. :)

Oh and one more part of my plan that I followed.... I drank all my planned water, 64 oz. :)

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 1 - To begin again... again

I’ve tried this weight loss thing more times than I care to admit. Everyone tells me that when it’s the right time something just hits you and your drive to lose pushes you forward. I think I’ve hit my something.

A couple of weeks ago I was lying in bed watching TV and I realized I heard someone breathing. This kind of freaked me out because I was by myself. I looked around and, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, I went on watching TV. It took me a few minutes to realize it was me that I heard. 

As you can imagine, this upset me. Here I was, lying almost completely still in bed and I was breathing like I had just finished exercising. After thinking about it for a few days I came to realize that I didn’t want to live this way anymore. I am about 6 months away from turning 40 (11.10.15) and I did not want to live my 40s like I did my 30s and to be honest, most of my 20s. 

So I made a plan and here I am…again. Hopefully this is my last day 1. Here’s my plan: I’m following the Weight Watchers plan again. I’ve had success with it in the past and found it to be easy for me to follow because there isn’t anything I can’t eat if I decide I want it and plan for it. 

My starting stats: I’m 39 and 5ft 3in. Yesterday I weighed in at 249.4 lbs. This is the most I’ve ever weighed and I’m using it as a motivator to not go higher. I’m divorced and live alone with my two cats. I have an office job where I sit for most of the day. I haven’t exercised consistently in over 5 years, although I’ve had a gym membership for most of that time.

These are by before pics. I can't wait to show you the after. 

So that’s me really. 

And here goes.... my last day 1.